*SELFORM Format Selection Screen S E L E C T I N G A F O R M A T This screen lists the title of every available format. Select a format you wish to print by entering the corresponding letter (A-Z). *SELECT Format Selection Screen S E L E C T I N G A F O R M A T This screen lists the title of every available format. Select a format you wish to modify or a blank format you wish to create by entering the corresponding letter (A-Z). .PA >CREATE C R E A T I N G A N E W F O R M A T When you choose the letter of a statement or insurance form format which has not yet been defined, the following message appears: Format 'Z' Is Not On This Disk Do You Want To Create It? Press "Y" to create the format or press "N" to reselect the format. .PA >MODIFY M O D I F Y I N G A N E X I S T I N G F O R M A T If you choose to modify the format, the following question appears: Select Form To Modify For Format 'Z': Press the letter of an existing format to use for a starting point for this format or press [Enter] to start from scratch. If you chose to modify an existing format, the format you selected will be copied for the new list format you are creating. .PA >DELETE D E L E T I N G A F O R M A T If you press F10 for delete, the following message appears: Select Form Format To Delete. Press the letter of an existing patient list format that you wish to delete and the following message appears: Are you sure you want to delete this form? .CO Deleting A Format Press "Y" to delete the list, press "N" to reselect the list format or press the [Esc] key to restart. NOTE: Standard formats (formats which are shipped with the MediSoft program) may not be deleted. An '*' denotes standard formats in the selection list. *MENU Formatting Submenu T H E F O R M A T T I N G M E N U After you have selected an existing format from the format selection screen or created a new format by saving its setting from the setting screen, the selection menu screen will appear: This selection menu allows you to change the format settings, change or edit the format page, change the default ranges for the format, and print a list of formatting codes. Each suboperation works as follows: .CO Formatting Submenu (1) Change Format Settings: There are two screens of fields to edit in this selection. The first screen deals primarily with page settings, while the second screen deals with printing options. (2) Change Format Page: This selection allows you to change the actual format page using a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editor. You simply create your format by typing or pasting the fields on the screen as you want them to print on your forms. .CO Formatting Submenu (3) Change Format Ranges: This selection allows you to change the default print-by ranges for a format. You may also select questions to not be asked when printing a format. (4) Print Format Codes: When creating or changing a print format, you will need to know the proper format codes to use on your forms. This selection prints a complete list of format codes available for use in the statement and insurance form formatters. You will proba- bly want to print these lists out to use as a reference while you're formatting forms. .CO Formatting Submenu (5) Return To Format Selection: This selection returns you to the format selection screen. To find out more about each of these selections, view the help provided in each operation, or refer to your manual. *STSETTINGS Statement Settings Screen T H E S T A T E M E N T S E T T I N G S S C R E E N There are two screens of fields to edit in this selection. The first screen deals primarily with page settings, while the second screen deals with printing options. You may move between the screens by pressing the [F4] key, or by moving up or down through the fields. .CO Statement Settings Function keys available in this operation You may access the following features in this operation by pressing the appropriate function key: Press [F1] for help; Press [F3] to save the new format; Press [F4] to go to the next screen of information; Press [F6] to search for format codes where they apply; Press [ESC] to abandon this format. .PA F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N >1 Form Name: Enter the name of your format here. >2 Form Length: Enter the length of your form in lines here. The default length is 66 lines, or the height of a standard 8 1/2 by 11 letter size page at 6 lines per inch. If you are creating a laser printer format, use 60 lines. .PA >3 Form Width: Enter the width of your form in characters here. The default width is 79 characters wide, or one less than the width of a standard 80 column printer. If you are using a wide carriage printer, or are printing in compressed mode, you may use a width greater than 80 columns. Note that if you are using an 80 column printer and you specify a page width greater than 79, any field that extends past the 79th column will produce an extra line in your format. .PA >4 Left Column Offset: If you are using a printer whose platen can't be adjusted, you may adjust the entire form left and right by changing the value of this field. Enter a positive value to adjust the form to the right, and a negative value to adjust the form to the left. Note that adjusting the form to the left may cut off characters from the left edge of the format. .PA >5 Laser Printer Download File: You may enter a laser printer download filename at this field. This file must be in the program directory, and must be capable of working with your laser printer. This field may be used to download laser printer soft fonts, laser printed form macros, etc. .PA >6 Sort Entries By: In this field you may enter Entry format codes by which you wish to sort the entries printed on the form. You may type each code in directly, separated by a comma, or you may search for the codes by pressing [F6]. Only Entry format codes (codes that print transaction data) are accepted, patient, insurance, or other codes will not be recognized. .PA >7 Summarize Entries By: After you have entered one or more codes in the Sort Entries By field, you may select one of them to summarize by in this field. When printing the form, the program will group all transactions that share the summarized code into one transaction. .PA >8 Exclude Patient If: You may choose to selectively exclude patients from printing in a batch by entering a test condition here. You may press [F6] here to search for a format code to include in your test. If you make a mistake entering your test, the computer will beep and tell you what options you have at the bottom of the screen. >9 Include Payments: Answer no to this question if you wish to prevent payments from being printed on your statements. This is sometimes useful when printing a statement for legal use. .PA >10 Use Practice or Doctor Address: If you are a single physician practice and wish to print the doctor's name and address instead of the practice's, or you are a multi-doctor practice and wish to bill patients by their assigned provider, select "D" for Doctor at this question. >11 Print Practice/Doctor Address: Answering no to this question prevents the practice or doctor address from being printed on the form. If you are using forms with your office address preprinted, you will want to answer no to this question. .PA >12 Print Aging Information: If you answer no to this question, the 30, 60, and 90 day aging totals on the statement will not be printed. >13 Separate Patient/Ins Portions: When billing using the anticipated statement mode, the program will determine the patient and insurance portion for each individual entry. When you answer yes to this question, the format will actually print the patient and insurance portions for every entry on the anticipated statement. If you answer no, only the totals will be shown at the bottom of the anticipated statement. If you intend to use this format for either remainder or standard statements, you must answer no for Separate Patient/Ins Portions. .PA >14 Print Postal Indicia: If this format is a self mailer format, answering yes to this question will tell the program to ask for a postal indicia at the message menu in the statement printing option, and to print the indicia on the self mailer statements. The postal indicia may be printed in place of a stamp on self mailer statements when you are mailing using a bulk mail or other postal permit. .PA >15 Print Zero Amount Entries: If you want to print zero amount charge transactions as description lines on your statement forms answer yes to this question. Description transactions allow you to describe unusual services or circumstances. To enter a description transaction, enter a zero amount transaction in operation 3-1 with the description in the diagnosis field. You may also enter description transactions by using a description procedure code (a procedure code type E for comment). These description transactions print regardless of how you answer this question. .PA Note: many of the questions above must be explicitly supported in the format by testing the Setting format codes before printing the address, etc. We have supported all the options in our stock formats except where they are inappropriate. If the settings of a question do not change the output of one of your own custom formats, be sure to recheck the format code for that question before printing that part of your form. *INSETTINGS Insurance Settings Screen O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N There are two screens of fields to edit in this selection. The first screen deals primarily with page settings, while the second screen deals with printing options. You may move between the screens by pressing the [F4] key, or by moving up or down through the fields. .CO Insurance Settings Function keys available in this operation You may access the following features in this operation by pressing the appropriate function key: Press [F1] for help; Press [F3] to save the new format; Press [F4] to go to the next screen of information; Press [F6] to search for format codes where they apply; Press [ESC] to abandon this format. .PA F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N >1 Form Name: Enter the name of your format here. >2 Form Length: Enter the length of your form in lines here. The default length is 66 lines, or the height of a standard 8 1/2 by 11 letter size page at 6 lines per inch. If you are creating a laser printer format, use 60 lines. .PA >3 Form Width: Enter the width of your form in characters here. The default width is 79 characters wide, or one less than the width of a standard 80 column printer. If you are using a wide carriage print- er, or are printing in compressed mode, you may use a width greater than 80 columns. Note that if you are using an 80 column printer and you specify a page width greater than 79, any field that extends past the 79th column will produce an extra line in your format. .PA >4 Left Column Offset: If you are using a printer whose platen can't be adjusted, you may adjust the entire form left and right by changing the value of this field. Enter a positive value to adjust the form to the right, and a negative value to adjust the form to the left. Note that adjusting the form to the left may cut off characters from the left edge of the format. .PA >5 Laser Printer Download File: You may enter a laser printer download filename at this field. This file must be in the program directory, and must be capable of working with your laser printer. This field may be used to download laser printer soft fonts, laser printed form macros, etc. .PA >6 Sort Entries By: In this field you may enter Entry format codes by which you wish to sort the entries printed on the form. You may type each code in directly, separated by a comma, or you may search for the codes by pressing [F6]. Only Entry format codes (codes that print transaction data) are accepted, patient, insurance, or other codes will not be recognized. .PA >7 Summarize Entries By: After you have entered one or more codes in the Sort Entries By field, you may select one of them to summarize by in this field. When printing the form, the program will group all transactions that share the summarized code into one transaction. >8 Separate Forms By: After entering the sort by codes in the Sort Entries By field, you may enter one of those codes by which to separate the forms. When a new separate code is encountered while printing the entries for a patient, the current form will be totaled and a new form will begin printing. NOTE: You may not have Print By Attending Provider as Y for yes and also enter a code to Separate Forms By. Forms may be only separated by one method. .PA >9 Exclude Form If: You may choose to selectively exclude forms from printing in a batch by entering a test condition here. You may press [F6] here to search for a format code to include in your test. If you make a mistake entering your test, the computer will beep and tell you what options you have at the bottom of the screen. .PA >10 Exclude Entry If: You may choose to selectively exclude entries from printing in a batch by entering a test condition here. You may also press [F6] here to search for a format code to include in your test. If you make a mistake entering your test, the computer will beep and tell you what options you have at the bottom of the screen. .PA >11 Print By Attending Provider: This question allows you to set your insurance forms to print by the attending provider instead of the patient's assigned provider. The patient's assigned provider is entered when setting up the patient in operation 2. The patient's attending provider is entered for each individual procedure in operation 3-1. If you print your forms by the attending provider, the program will print a separate insurance form for each provider that has treated the patient. NOTE: You may not have Print By Attending Provider as Y for yes and also enter a code to Separate Forms By. Forms may be only separated by one method. .PA >12 Pause For Single Sheet Feed: If you are feeding insurance forms into your printer individually instead of using continuous feed forms, you will want to answer yes to this question. This will cause the program to pause after each sheet to allow you to insert the next sheet. Note: we recommend that you use continuous feed forms as they are much easier to align. .PA >13 MEDIGAP Crossover Claims: If you answer yes to this question, the program will not print a separate form for the MEDIGAP carrier that is a secondary (or supplementary) carrier to Medicare. Note that although no form is printed for the secondary carrier, the transactions are marked as being billed. Note: you must answer "no" to delayed secondary billing for the MEDIGAP carrier for this setting to work properly. .PA >14 Always Accept Assignment: Setting this question to yes will override the accept assignment field on the patient information screen and force the program to check the accept assignment box on your insur- ance form. >15 Print Payments On Forms: If you don't want the total payments print- ed on your form, set this question to no. This will cause the payments box on your form to always print zero regardless of the actual payments received for the those services. .PA >16 Print Paragraph Diagnosis: If you wish to print your diagnoses in the diagnosis area of you insurance forms in a narrative format then set this question to yes. When you print your forms, the program will stream together the descriptions for all the diagnoses you have specified in the Diagnosis field in operation 3-1. If you have a permanent diagnosis and you have left the Diagnosis field for an entry in operation 3-1 blank, then if that entry prints on the insurance form, the permanent diagnosis is also included. The text is placed in the space provided in the DIAGDESC or DIAGLINE fields on your insurance form. .PA >17 Print Zero Amount Entries: If you want to print zero amount charge transactions as description lines on your insurance forms answer yes to this question. Description transactions allow you to describe unusual services or circumstances. To enter a description transac- tion, enter a zero amount transaction in operation 3-1 with the description in the diagnosis field. You may also enter description transactions by using a description procedure code (a procedure code type E for comment). These description transactions print regardless of how you answer this question. .PA >18 Use Practice or Doctor Address: If you are a single physician prac- tice and wish to print the doctor's name and address instead of the practice's, or you are a multi-doctor practice and wish to bill patients by their assigned or attending provider, select "D" for Doctor at this question, otherwise, select "P" for Practice. >19 Print Insurance Address: Answering no to this question prevents the insurance address from being printed on the form. If you are using forms with the insurance address preprinted, you will want to answer no to this question. .PA >20 Print Practice/Doctor Address: Answering no to this question pre- vents the practice or doctor address from being printed on the form. If you are using forms with your office address preprinted, you will want to answer no to this question. >21 Tax Procedure Code: You may specify a tax procedure code to total tax for an insurance form. All charge transactions for a form with this tax procedure code will be totaled and added to the balance due for that form. You may also print the tax amount on your forms by using the TAX format code. .PA Note: many of the questions above must be explicitly supported in the format by testing setting format codes before printing the address, etc. We have supported all the options in our stock formats except where they are inappropriate. If the settings of a question do not change the output of one of your own custom formats, be sure to recheck the format code for that question before printing that part of your form. *FORMAT The Format Editor Screen T H E F O R M A T T E R E D I T O R This selection allows you to change the actual format page using a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editor. You simply create your format by typing or pasting the fields on the screen as you want them to print on your forms. .PA Moving Around To move around the editing screen you use the cursor keys. You may move to the right up to the width of the form you are editing, and down as far as the length of the form. The [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys allow you to quickly jump up and down the form by the height of a screen (23 lines). The [Home] and [End] keys allow you to jump to the beginning and ending of the current line. .PA Creating and Editing Text Fields To enter text fields on your form, simply move the cursor to the location on the form where you want the text field to be printed and begin typing. The program will regard all keys that you type (including spaces) as part of one text field that can be later edited, moved, copied, or deleted. You may change the text field by positioning the cursor on it and typing. The [Ins] or insert key on your keyboard determines whether the keys you type are inserted into the text field or overwrite it. You may delete characters of a text field by typing the back space key, or the delete key. .PA Creating and Editing Data Fields Since adding data fields to your format is an operation you will be performing often, we have made this the simplest to do. Briefly, there are two ways to add data fields to your form. .CO Creating Data Fields The first way to add a data field to your form is to first type a text field of upper case X's directly onto the form where you want the data field to be printed. Then, position the cursor on the text field and press the [F4] Field key to pop-up the Field Information Window. Here you may select the format code to print for the field by pressing the [F6] key at the Print: question. When you select a code to print for a text field, it then becomes a data field, and is displayed in inverse when you return to the format editor. Entering fields using this method allows you to easily rough out the positions and lengths of the fields, and then go back through and assign each a format code to print. .CO Creating Data Fields The second way to add a data field is to position the cursor where you wish to place the field and then press the [F4] Field key to select the code that will print there. After you select a code at the Print: question and then save the field, the default field format text will be inserted at the current position on the form. Entering fields this way allows you to use the default format for the field (i.e. the X's) which shows the fields proper width, length, and any punctuation (i.e. dashes for dates or social securi- ty numbers). .PA Function Keys The function keys described on the bottom line of the formatting screen allow you to access many of the advanced features of the formatter. Some of these features are field programming, performing a test printout, printing a grid pattern of characters on a form, and moving, copying, and deleting fields or pieces of text. [Esc] Abandon, [F1]Help, and [F3] Save: These function keys operate exactly as they do in other parts of the program. Note that the formatter will ask you if you really wish to abandon the format if you press [Esc] after making changes. .CO Function Keys [F4] Field: The [F4] Field key pops up the Field Information window. If the cursor is presently over a field, or a piece of text, the Field Information window will display that field or text. The Field Information window allows you to select the code to be printed in a field, how to justify that code inside the field, and whether the code will be replaced by other codes if certain conditions require it. The [F4] Field key and the Field Information window will be discussed in detail later. .CO Function Keys [F5] Test Print: The [F5] Test Print key allows you to print a test pattern for your form to determine whether the fields are positioned correctly. The test pattern it prints is exactly the same as the test pattern that is printed in operations 5-1 and 5-2, and take into account the column offset, laser download file, and any special printer codes that you have entered into your format. .CO Function Keys [F6] Grid: Before you begin to format a form, you should insert some sample forms in your printer and print an alignment grid by pressing [F6]. The grid pattern allows you to quickly and easily determine the line and column positions of the fields on your form. Each line is numbered at the left, and each column position is marked with a 'v' every five spaces and a number every ten spaces. Simply check the line and column positions on the form, then move the cursor to the position on the screen and enter the field (The current line and column are shown in the lower right hand corner of the formatting screen). .CO Function Keys [F7] Move: When you are positioned on a field or a piece of text, you may press [F7] to move the field. You may then use the cursor keys to reposition the field anywhere you wish. After you have finished positioning the field, press the [Enter] key to drop the field and return to normal editing. Note: you may not overlap fields, so we recommend that you shorten the fields by deleting characters from them so they don't overlap. .CO Function Keys [F8] Copy: When you are positioned on a field or a piece of text, you may press [F8] to copy the field. The Copy key works exactly like the move key except that the field you copy from remains as it was in its original position. [F10] Delete: You may delete a field you are positioned on by press- ing the [F10] key. When you press the key, the field disappears. Ctrl-A: Pressing the control key and the A key at the same time will add a new line to the form, pushing any lines below it down one line. .CO Function keys Ctrl-D: Pressing the control key and the D key at the same time will delete the line the cursor is currently on. Any fields on this line will also be deleted. [Tab] and [Shift]-[Tab]: The tab key and the shift tab key (or back tab) move to the next and previous field on the form respectively. *FIELD The Field Information Window T H E F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N W I N D O W The field information window allows you to program what will print in a particular field on the form. Its capabilities range from printing a single code in a field, to printing text, printer codes, and conditional printing. Simple things like printing a single code are almost trivially easy, while more complex formatting is made simple through pop-up code search windows, on-line help, and a help line at the bottom of the window that explains what you've done wrong when you make a mistake. .CO Field Info Window Function keys available for this window Press [F1] to browse through the on-line help for each field, press [F6] to search for format codes for certain fields, and press [F3] to save the changes you've made to the field when you are finished. .PA F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N >1 Print: What you enter at the Print: question determines what is printed in the field on your forms. Usually you will want to simply enter a single format code, or search for a code by pressing [F6]. You may also enter more complicated combinations of text, format codes, and functions here (these subjects will be covered in greater detail in the Using the Print: Question section later). .CO Print: If you have entered a code and there is currently nothing in the Format: field immediately below, the default format for the code you entered will be placed in the Format: field, and the Justify: field will also be set accordingly. If you wish to change a field back to a text only field, blank out the Print: question, then save the field. The field will now appear unhighlighted on the formatter screen indicating it is now just text. .CO Print: Here's an example of how you would enter a format code to print: Print: NAME - Patient Name This example will print the patient name in the field. Notice that the format code description will be displayed after the format code you typed when you press [Enter]. Remember, if you enter a code that doesn't exist, or if you've mistyped a code, don't worry. The computer will beep and display 'Text or Format Code Expected' at the bottom of the window. Simply retype the code as it should be. .PA >2 Format: The text entered in this question defines the width of the field, and allows you to add punctuation characters for date fields, amount fields, etc. The field format acts as a template to the data you selected in the Print: question. The data from the Print: question replaces every upper case 'X' in the format, but flows around any other character. You may even use spaces in your field. The text will be right or left justified in the field format depend- ing on how you answer the Justify: question. .CO Format: Below are some example field formats and what they print: Print: NAME - Patient Name Format: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Justify: Left When NAME is "Able, John" you'll get: Able, John Print: NAME - Patient Name Format: XXX Justify: Left When NAME is "Able, John" you'll get: Abl .PA >3 Justify: You may select how the data for the code specified in the Print: question is arranged in the Format: field by changing the justification. If you want the text to be printed from the left, choose left justify, if you want the text to be printed from the right (i.e. amounts, diagnosis codes, etc.) choose right justify. Note: when the default format for a code is placed in the Format: field after entering the code in the Print: question, the justify question will be set with the default justification for the code as well. .PA >4 >5 If and If Print: The If: questions allow you to replace the default Print: code with another print code or text if a certain condition is true. Each If: is associated with a Print: which is entered underneath. If the test that you specify at the If: question is true, the Print: below the If: will be used instead of the default Print: at the top of the window when printing the field. Each field may have many If:s, up to a maximum of 250 If:s per form. When you enter past the last If: on the window, the If:s scroll up, and the numbers change to indicate which If: you are on. To delete an If:, simply blank out the If: field and press [Enter]. .CO If: Checking Boxes Using If:s If:s are most often used to check boxes like Male/Female, or Yes/No. Here is an example of how you would check a box for the patient sex. Print: " " Format: X Justify: Left If: SEX="M" Print: "X" .CO If: Entering the questions as above will tell the program to print an "X" if the sex of the patient is "M", or male. You may test any format code using the If questions by simply typing the format code, an equal sign "=", and the text you want to test it for in quotes. .CO If: You may also check more than one code at a time by separating the tests with an AND or an OR like this: Print: " " Format: X Justify: Left If: SEX="M" AND INUM="1" Print: "X" .CO If: This tells the program to print the "X" only if the patient's sex is male, and the current insurance company is company number 1. You could make the field print an "X" if the patient sex is male or the insurance company number is 1 by typing SEX="M" OR INUM="1". You may test as many codes as you wish on an if line as long as you separate each with an AND or an OR. .CO If: Note: as you can see in the example above, the default Print: at the top of the window is not blank, but contains empty double quotes. This tells the program that this field is a data field. Otherwise the program will assume that since there is nothing entered in the default Print: question, this field is a text field. *STRANGES Statement Print By Ranges S T A T E M E N T P R I N T B Y R A N G E S Before printing your statement forms, you will need to answer the statement print by questions. These questions tell the program what patients to print, and how to print them. .CO Statement Ranges Entering Statement Default Ranges If you are entering default ranges, answer each question just as you would when printing the form. You may then also select the question to not be asked by entering N for No at the 'Ask?' question. Note that you can select four Custom questions to be asked at the bottom of the screen. The information entered in these questions may be accessed in the format through the four CUSTOM format codes. .PA F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N >1 Statement Date: enter the date you want to print for the statement date in MMDDYY format. The date of the statement is the cutoff date for current entry detail. If the transaction From Date and the transaction To Date is greater than the Statement Date, then the transaction is excluded from the statement. Note: You may not enter a date here dated earlier than the End of Period Date. .PA >2 Billing Mode: enter "S" to bill each patient's entire balance on the statement, enter "A" to bill patients for the amount you anticipate they will owe for their portion of charges based on insurance coverage percentage or enter "R" to bill patients for the amount remaining on each document after all of the patient's insurance has paid. .CO Billing Mode For the anticipated and remainder billing modes to work properly you must be entering patient and insurance payments into MediSoft with document numbers that match the charges that they are intended to pay. Refer to section 3.1, Transaction Entry, for complete information on entering transactions with document numbers. .CO Billing Mode When you print an Anticipated Patient Portion statement, all documents which have not been completely paid are shown on the statement. If the patient has already made a partial payment on a document, that payment amount will be subtracted from the patient balance due on the statement. If an insurance carrier does not pay the amount anticipated, the patient due portion of the charges are adjusted up or down automatically. .CO Billing Mode If you have answered 'Y' to Separate Patient/Ins Portions in the settings section of this statement format, then the billing mode for this format must be 'A' for Anticipated. Separate Patient/Ins Portions only applies to anticipated statements. Any other billing mode may print zero dollar amounts within the transaction detail portion of your statement. .CO Billing Mode When you print a Remainder Statement only those documents which have had the same number of insurance payments entered as the patient has insurance carriers will be printed on the statement. (ie: If a patient has two insurance carriers and a specific document number has two transactions with insurance payment procedure codes, the remaining balance of the document will be billed to the patient on the patient statement. .CO Billing Mode If all entries for the document are 100% patient responsible, then these entries will print on a Remainder Statement. Printing 100% patient responsible bills through Remainder Billing is one of the features of Remainder Billing. Note: If the head of household's Accept Assignment for policy one, policy two, and policy three are ALL NO, then all entries for the family are 100% patient responsible. .CO Billing Mode Note: It is important that all payments, even zero amount payments, be entered on your patient accounts. A zero dollar amount payment tells the system that you have received the insurance carrier explanation of benefits and the carrier paid nothing on the charges. Anticipated patient portion statements, remainder statements and sequential insurance billing rely upon all payments being entered in MediSoft. .PA >3 Print History Detail After: enter the history detail cutoff date in MMDDYY format here. This question allows you to print detail from your history files up to the history detail cutoff date. This question defaults to "Current Entries Only". Note: For the Standard Mode, if you press a [Enter] at Print History Detail After, all current transactions up to the Statement Date will print, along with a Balance Forward Amount. If you enter a date then NO Balance Forward Amount prints, but all transactions prior to the Statement Date and after the Print History Detail After date prints in the detail portion of the statement. >4 Range Of Chart Numbers: enter the chart number of the beginning patient in the group of patients desired followed by a dash and the ending chart number. Press [Enter] to print statements for all patients. .PA >5 Range Of Billing Codes: enter the beginning and ending billing code separated by a dash to select which billing codes to include. >6 Range Of Indicators: enter the beginning and ending indicators separated by a dash to select which indicators to include. Press the [Enter] key to include all indicators. >7 Range Of Providers: enter the beginning and ending provider separated by a dash to select which providers to include. Press [Enter] to include all providers. .PA >8 Range Of Patient Balances: statements may be printed for a group of specific account balances. To select which balances to include, enter the beginning and ending balances separated by a dash. To use nega- tive numbers in the balance range, precede the first number in the range with a negative sign, like this: -100-200. This range will print statements for patients whose balance falls between negative $100 and positive $200. >9 Patients With Charges Past: enter 30, 60 or 90 to print statements for patients whose charges are 30, 60, or 90 days old or older. .PA >10 Patients With Current Charges Between: enter a range of dates to print patients with current charges between these dates. Patients are selected for inclusion in the statement run who have entries with dates in the range specified. The patients included in the batch will have their entire account represented on the statement, not just the balance of those transactions which fall in the date range specified. .PA >11 Patients With Last Payment Between: enter a range of dates to print patients with last payments dates between these dates. Patients are selected for inclusion in the statement run who have payment entries with dates in the range specified. The patients included in the batch will have their entire account represented on the statement, not just the balance of those transactions which fall in the date range specified. Press the [Enter] key to include all patients regardless of last payment date. >12 >13 >14 >15 Custom Data A-D: You may enter custom data needed by your format in these four questions. This data will be available to the format in the format codes CUSTOMA, CUSTOMB, CUSTOMC, and CUSTOMD. *INRANGES Insurance Form Print By Ranges I N S U R A N C E F O R M P R I N T B Y R A N G E S Before printing your insurance forms, you will need to answer the insurance form print by questions. These questions tell the program what patients to print and how to print them. .CO Insurance Ranges Insurance Form Default Ranges If you are entering default ranges, answer each question just as you would when printing the form. You may then also select a question to not be asked by entering N for No at the 'Ask?' question. Note that you can select four Custom questions to be asked at the bottom of the screen. The information entered in these questions may be accessed in the format through the four CUSTOM format codes. .PA F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N >1 Date of Insurances: enter the date of insurance billing in MMDDYY format. This date will appear in the patient account number box if you chose to have it appear there in the insurance form default answers. >2 Range of Chart Numbers: enter the range of patients you want included in this group of insurance claims. You may enter one patient (ie: SMITHJ01-SMITHJ01 or SMITHJ01 alone), a range (ie: ABLE0000-ABLE0009) or press [Enter] to include all patients. .PA >3 Range of Billing Codes: enter a beginning and ending billing code separated by a dash to limit insurances to patients with a particular range of billing codes or one billing code. To include all patients regardless of billing code, press [Enter]. >4 Range of Indicators: enter a beginning and ending indicator separated by a dash to limit the insurance claims printed to certain indicators. Otherwise, press [Enter] and all indicators are included. .PA >5 >6 >7 Range of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary: enter a beginning and ending insurance carrier number separated by a dash, or answer yes or no, to control which insurance carriers are billed. Otherwise, press [Enter] to include all insurance carriers. >8 Range of Providers: enter a beginning and ending provider number separated by a dash to limit claim form printing to one provider or a group of providers. Press [Enter] to include all providers. .PA >9 Range of Dates: Enter a beginning and ending date separated by a dash in MMDDYY-MMDDYY format. You may press [Enter] to include all current transactions regardless of date. If a date range is entered which begins before the End of Period Date recorded in operation 1, Office Information, then transactions in your history files will be included in this batch of claims >10 Range of Procedure Codes: enter a beginning and ending procedure code separated by a dash to limit the batch of claims to certain procedure codes. Press [Enter] to include all procedure codes. You may wish to use this feature to print claims for procedures for which you must accept assignment or to print only procedures which you are allowed to bill. .PA >11 Range of Balances: enter a beginning and ending balance amount separated by a dash to limit claim printing to only those patients who have entries that have not been billed to insurance whose total falls in the range specified. Use this feature to delay billing entries to a patients' insurance carrier until the unbilled balance reaches a specific threshold. >12 Rebill Insurance Companies: enter "Y" to rebill previously billed claims. Enter "N" or press [Enter] to only include transactions on insurance claims which have not been previously billed. .PA >13 Range Of Rebill Billing Date: enter a range of original billing dates to rebill or press [Enter] to rebill all transactions regardless of the original billing date. This feature may be used to reprint a bad batch of insurance claims. Note: MediSoft tracks the billing date for each individual transaction. Primary, secondary and tertiary billing dates are all tracked separately. If a transaction has been billed to an insurance carrier IT WILL NOT BE REBILLED unless you answer "Y" to the previous question Rebill Insurance Companies. You may view the billing date for a transaction in operation 3-1 in the transaction change mode. .PA >14 >15 >16 >17 Custom Data A-D: You may enter custom data needed by your format in these four questions. This data will be available to the format in the format codes CUSTOMA, CUSTOMB, CUSTOMC, and CUSTOMD. .PA >18 Insurance Types: Enter one or more insurance types if you wish to limit your report to specific carrier types. Valid insurance types are the one letter codes from the following list: M Medicare B Blue Cross/Blue Shield A Medicaid C CHAMPUS G Group F FECA O Other W Worker's Comp H HMO P PPO For all insurance types press [Enter]. .PA *CODES Printing The Format Code List P R I N T I N G T H E F O R M A T C O D E L I S T When creating or changing a print format, you will need to know the proper format codes to use on your forms. This operation prints a complete list of format codes available for use in the statement and insurance form formatters. You will probably want to print these lists out to use as a reference while you're formatting forms. *MESSAGES Entering Statement Messages S T A T E M E N T M E S S A G E M E N U The statement message menu allows you to enter and save messages that will print on your patient statements. You may enter standard messages, dunning messages, and the permit number for your postal indicia from this menu. To return to entering statement print by ranges press [Esc]. Note: if you have selected "No" to the Print Postal Indicia question on the statement setting screen 2, the Postal Indicia option will not be displayed on the message menu. .PA >MESSAGES Normal Statement Messages Enter Message Line 1...: enter message lines to print on your patient statements. You may enter as many characters on each line as will actually print on your format. You may want to print a few sample statements to see where your messages are printing on your form before printing you entire batch. Note: If you require more message area than is provided, you may add more MSGLINE format codes to your form using the statement formatter. If you do not have the format code MSGLINE in your format, then there are no standard messages to change. .PA >DUNNING Statement Dunning Messages In addition to the normal statement messages, you may also enter four dunning messages that will print on the statement depending on the age of the patient's account. Current Aging Message: This message will only appear on statements for patients whose oldest balance is current. 30 Day Aging Message: This message will only print on statements for patients whose oldest balance is 30 days old. .CO Dunning Messages 60 Day Aging Message: This message will only print on statements for patients whose oldest balance is 60 days old. 90 Day Aging Message: This message will only print on statements for patients whose oldest balance is 90 days old or older. Note: Depending on the format you are printing, the dunning messages you enter here may be shortened to fit on the statement. You may wish to check this before printing your statement batch. .PA >INDICIA Postal Indicia If you have selected "Yes" to the Print Postal Indicia question on the statement formatter setting screen 2, you may enter a Postal Indicia in addition to the Normal and Dunning messages. The Postal Indicia is text printed by the computer which appears in the upper right corner of a self-mailer statement. This is the location where the postage stamp would normally appear. If you have a special mailing arrangement like bulk rate or presorted first class permits, enter the text that you want to appear in the postage area. *PRINTOPT Select Print Option S E L E C T P R I N T O P T I O N When you have selected the parameters for the report, the print selection screen appears allowing you to view the report on screen, print the report on your printer, or output the report to a file which can later be edited using a word processor. *TEST Printing A Test Pattern P R I N T I N G A T E S T P A T T E R N If you select "P" to print statements on the printer, you will be asked if you want to print a test pattern. A test pattern is printed on a blank statement form and fills every box on the form that will be used during statement printing. If you wish to use the test pattern to align your statement forms, answer "Y". Otherwise, answer "N" to continue and begin printing statements. *